Osteopathy Cape Town Back Pain
Annex 2, 45 Kendal Road, , Constantia, , Cape Town, 7800, South Africa

Review №1

I have been suffering from motion sickness most of my life. Vertigo seemed to have taken over, taking about a week to disappear. So, for a few years I suffered on and off with Vertigo, even doing the Vertigo relieve exercises, and taking nausea and dizzy tabs, which left me on a high, and Vertigo lingering in back ground. As of this year, Ive been suffering a lot more. As I didnt want to be dependent on any form of medication, I sought an alternative means to alleviate my suffering.I did some research and found Dr. Ashburner. 2 Sessions, and I was myself again, and neck and upper back muscles relaxed. Will definitely recommend him.

Review №2

What a wonderful caring doctor! My husband, who has a neurological disease with multiple disabilities felt safe and secure in his hands. We loved his approach to osteopathy (as this is not the first osteopath we have used). We highly recommend Dr Ashburner - who is 1 of only 2 practitioners in the entire country who is trained in the Perrin Technique, which proved very useful for my husbands ME.

Review №3

I went to Guy Ashburner after experiencing about neck and shoulder pain for around six months. I was quite desperate, as I had already consulted two physios (neither had been able to give any lasting relief through massage, needling or home-based exercises). Guys approach was quite different, and far more holistic. My pain was hugely diminished after the first treatment, and then, about 10 days after my second appointment, the pain disappeared completely. His assessment of my posture (and how it seemed to be preventing the healing that should have happened a long time before) was spot on. I am still pain-free months later and wouldnt hesitate to recommend Guy.

Review №4

Dr Guy is a very knowledgeable practitioner with knowledge across the board. He was able to help me with my injury recovery in a way that no-one else could although I have been to several practitioners. His advice on my rehab training made all the difference and got me to a new point of motivation.I would highly recommend Dr Guys treatment and service, as it has been a life changing aid for me in terms of my view on my body and what I can achieve despite my multiple injuries.Didie

Review №5

My son has been suffering with lockjaw for the last 1 1/ 2 years. He has been in a lot of pain and not even being able to open his mouth wider than a certain point. After trying a few different things we were referred to Dr Ashburner. After the first session he already felt a huge relief and could open his mouth wider than before. By the 3rd seesion he could open his mouth completely and has no pain. Im amazed with the results and will definitely recommend him.

Review №6

Guy Ashburner is a guy who knows his craft. I suffered for many many years with shoulder problems that were labelled frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury, osteoarthritis, even surgeons wanting to operate. All labels that added insult to injury. This man ( I kept saying to myself ‘This man knows what he is doing’) This man slowly but surely rubbed and moved fascia, reminded me to do only 2 very important exercises. I would relapse and slowly, silently he would encourage my body to take responsibility for my healing. Encourage me gently to do the daily exercises. He has immense knowledge of the structure and complex workings of the body eg the fascia. How many of us have even heard of fascia and how important it is, especially when we have suffered some body trauma or injury. Everything shifts and accommodates the mal alignment. He deals with bones of course and ligaments and tendons, but also the neurological system as the brain communicates with the rest of the body. And the lymphatic system and finally he starts on your eating habits so lifestyle and toxicity is addressed to stem the decline and degeneration of the body. Everything shifts and accommodates the mal alignment. The body adapts and only knows pain. I had vertigo seriously such that I thought I was dying, in 1 session it was gone! I had neck pain, pain at the back of my head, hip pain and of course the ongoing shoulder pain and discomfort. Headaches were a thing of the past.I vouch for the fact that if one is prepared to do the work alongside Guy, one will be able to manage and eliminate pain.Thank you for getting me to PAIN FREE and a life changing experience.

Review №7

Guys knowledge and professionalism is outstanding. Really good treatment and after care advice. Will definitely see him again!

Review №8

I have been to Guy for two different issues. I had frozen shoulder which was very debilitating, I was told by an orthopaedic surgeon that there was nothing that could be done and that it would last for 2 years. Guy was able to increase my mobility by 30% after the first visit and each visit thereafter improved my mobility until I regained normal use of my arm. I have also had cranial osteopathy and although I dont have a comprehensive understanding of this technique, it has given me incredible relief from an emotional trauma. I would highly recommend Guy, he has an incredibly compassionate nature and I believe that he is an intuitive healer.

Review №9

Dr Guy helped my neck and shoulder issues in just a few sessions. Excellent advise and follow-up. Thank you so much.I can HIGHLY recommend Dr Guy Ashburner

Review №10

This changed my life literally. I have been going to Chiropractors for years now after a hefty Lumber vertabrae back injury from Rugby. I am not shooting the Chiropractors down but I went to multiple different Chiropractors and nothing seemed to work even after all the rehab.My Mothers friend suggested Guy Ashburner to me and at first; I was like here we go, just another guy to play with my back. After 30 minutes with this gentleman, I was already feeling slightly better and the next morning when I woke up, I felt like a new man. I even started training again that day and have started playing Rugby again at a competitive level. This is all thanks to this legend himself Guy Ashburner. He is an Osteopath and one of the kindest humans I have met.Trust me ladies and gentlemen, Its worth it!

Review №11

I have been suffering from serious neck and back pain since December 2019. This made it difficult for me to turn my neck and lead a normal life. One morning I woke up without being able to move my neck and my whole spine was locked and in excruciating pain. I panicked and rushed to see a physiotherapist but after the second session of physiotherapy my pain was worse than ever and I stopped. At that stage I went to see another doctor who gave me laser acupuncture and Emotional Freedom Technique therapy. The pain improved a little bit but continued to make life difficult. A friend recommended me to see a reputable Chinese acupuncturist. I attended 5 weekly sessions. This improved my situation marginally. However, the main source of pain remained. I decided to try osteopathy after reading peoples testimonials. I googled and found the website of Dr Ashburner, and decided to try his approach. After 5 sessions of osteopathy with Dr. Ashburner and the exercises he recommended, I feel about 97% healed and close to normal life. I would highly recommend DR. Ashburner to anyone suffering from neck and back pain. I am very grateful to Dr. Ashburner for his expertise.

Review №12

I am a 41-year-old female and my headaches started when I was 12. Since then I have been to numerous practitioners claiming they knew what was the cause and that they could fix.I tried neurologists who diagnosed me as a chronic migraine and tension headache sufferer. I was put on various tricyclic antidepressants and epileptic medication. Nothing helped. Then I was told it was psychological so I tried psychiatrists and psychologists trying to find out what the causes were. I was told they were “emotional and stress headaches” but again their solution of therapy and anti-anxiety medication didn’t help. I have tried body talk, body stress release, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, homeopathic medicine, reiki, iridology, diets, detoxes, mouth pieces to prevent grinding, physiotherapists, biokineticist, chiropractors etc.At the end my diagnosis was headaches caused by stress.Eventually I accepted that these headaches were going to be part of my life. At this point I was averaging on 4 a week. I realised that I am incredibly sensitive to headaches in general so I make sure I get enough sleep, drink enough water, eat regularly and monitor what I eat. I meditate, exercise and practise breathing exercises. While the intensity reduced a little bit I still was averaging on 4 a week.My mom read an article about Dr Guy Ashburner the osteopath and suggested I give him a go. At this point I really had nothing to lose. I was convinced that he would not be able to help. How could someone who focuses on posture etc be able to fix “emotional/ stress headaches”?I think the first thing I said to him was I doubt you are going to be able to help my “emotional & stress” headaches. At which point he showed me what I do with my neck and shoulders when I get stressed. Since I have been working with Guy the frequency and intensity of the headaches has reduced. I even got to 15 days without a headache. I still don’t quite understand but I don’t need to, the fact is the number of my headaches has reduced substantially and I have Guy to thank for that!

Review №13

Having osteo arthiritis from a young age I suffered a lot of back pain and sciatica pain in my left leg.I went to see two surgeons and both wanted to do a back operation and told me it would be the only way forward for me.. I did not want an operation on my back, so seek out different options Went to chiropractors, DPPT therapists and various massage therapies. Some of the therapies brought relieve but my shoulder and neck muscles were in constant spasms. Luckily a friend of mine told me about Dr Ashburner. I am seeing him for 2 years now and can not believe the doctors wanted to operate on my back. After a few treatment my sciatica pain disappeared (I never had it again) The tension in my shoulders and neck drastically improved. I could recommend Dr Ashburners treatments to anybody with neck, back or tension problems. He is professional and his treatments make a differenceLorraine Le Roux

Review №14

I am a 41-year-old female and my headaches started when I was 12. Since then I have been to numerous practitioners claiming they knew what was the cause and that they could fix.I tried neurologists who diagnosed me as a chronic migraine and tension headache sufferer. I was put on various tricyclic antidepressants and epileptic medication. Nothing helped. Then I was told it was psychological so I tried psychiatrists and psychologists trying to find out what the causes were. I was told they were “emotional and stress headaches” but again their solution of therapy and anti-anxiety medication didn’t help. I have tried body talk, body stress release, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, homeopathic medicine, reiki, iridology, diets, detoxes, mouth pieces to prevent grinding, physiotherapists, biokineticist, chiropractors etc.At the end my diagnosis was headaches caused by stress.Eventually I accepted that these headaches were going to be part of my life. At this point I was averaging on 4 a week. I realised that I am incredibly sensitive to headaches in general so I make sure I get enough sleep, drink enough water, eat regularly and monitor what I eat. I meditate, exercise and practise breathing exercises. While the intensity reduced a little bit I still was averaging on 4 a week.My mom read an article about Dr Guy Ashburner the osteopath and suggested I give him a go. At this point I really had nothing to lose. I was convinced that he would not be able to help. How could someone who focuses on posture etc be able to fix “emotional/ stress headaches”?I think the first thing I said to him was I doubt you are going to be able to help my “emotional & stress” headaches. At which point he showed me what I do with my neck and shoulders when I get stressed. Since I have been working with Guy the frequency and intensity of the headaches has reduced. I even got to 15 days without a headache. I still don’t quite understand but I don’t need to, the fact is the number of my headaches has reduced substantially and I have Guy to thank for that!

Review №15

I rate Guy a first rate Osteopath with a wonderful knowledge of the human body. He has helped me enormously without any drugs! And kept me moving!

Review №16

After 10 years of chronic pain and having exhausted all types of medical practitioners and chronic pain meds, it has taken just 2 months of visits to Guy to get me to a very place. A few more and Ill be ready to take on the world again! Thank you Guy for giving me chance to see the light at the end of a dark tunnel😉

Review №17

My SHIP therapist referred me for Osteopathy and I was lucky enough to find Dr Ashburner. For the first time I have received coaching regarding my poor posture - he doesnt just rectify, he coaches you to correct the underlying bad habits - how to adjust the seat in your car, what chairs are good or bad, how to stand up and sit down, how not to bend down, etc. I had chronically tight upper back muscles and he has worked with me for some 6 months on opening up my upper back and chest as well as providing guidance on improving my posture. I value the fact that Dr Ashburner is also a qualified personal trainer and as such advises me on what exercises are appropriate and which can cause injury (e.g. the correct way to do a squat, how to do a lat pull-down to strengthen my back, etc.). My breathing is better and deeper, I am more relaxed and less anxious and am sleeping better. I feel stronger, walk taller, and of course, my back is much improved. He is also tolerant of my MTB and, while he doesnt approve, he will realign me when I fall off my bicycle! Liz (65 years old)

Review №18

Caring dr

Review №19

I developed a sporadic, low-pitched buzzing/humming in my right ear that would come and go with varying intensity, and seemingly no reason nor pattern.I went to the G.P., an E.N.T., an audiologist and a Tinnitus specialist and neither of them could determine the cause of the buzzing nor offer a solution to remedy the issue.At the suggestion of a friend and basically as a last resort I visited Dr. Ashburner, who surmised that the issue may be caused by tension in my back, neck and jaw muscles due to poor posture and other stress issues (all work related).After about 3-4 sessions with the Osteopath and about 18 months since first developing the problem, the buzzing eventually ceased.I now regularly visit Dr Ashburner to maintain movement and flexibility in by back, neck and jaw muscles and the issue has for the most part disappeared.He has since helped me to resolve other niggly issues that could not be explained nor resolved by G.P.s or other specialists, and turned out to be muscle/tension related.

Review №20

I have been treated by osteopaths all my life. I am a 71 year old woman.Dr Ashburner has been successfully managing my back problems since I returned to South Africa - about 5 years ago.But what I didnt realise, is that he does more than just back treatments. I was unable to play tennis because of my frozen, extremely painful shoulder and I mentioned this to him while I was having back treatment. He treated my shoulder and within 2-3 days I was back on the court, pain free and enjoying playing tennis again. Before seeing him, I had been advised that I should give up tennis, have cortisone injections or even an operation. Thanks to Dr Ashburner I did not have to do any of the above.This has been such an amazing event for me I felt I needed to share it because Im sure there are a lot of people out there who do not realise the scope of treatments that he is capable of doing.

Review №21

Dr Ashburner has helped me with various types of ailments regarding pain in my body - from  diagnosing my gallstones - helping control my high blood pressure (with no medication)  and just various day to day wear and tear of the body. If you are looking for a  physiotherapist or a chiropractor, I highly recommend Dr Guy Ashburner.

Review №22

After several months of suffering with severe neck and shoulder pain, of living on Myprodols, having two cortisone injections in my shoulder joint, having needling in the aching muscles and injecting myself on a regular basis with voltarin. I was told by a dear friend who had been suffering from terrible back pain to go and see Dr Guy Ashburner - I have been having treatment for the past month and have never felt better. I am now free of taking any medication and have full use of my arm and have not had any pain for the last 3 weeks. I have NEVER felt better and have no more pain in my neck and shoulder.

Review №23

After seeing an orthopaedic surgeon to a neurosurgeon and having physio every week, I was finally refered to Dr Ashburner by my GP and found the answer that I had been looking for. Immediately he picked up that I had hypermobility and that it was causing my back to be unstable. After one session, I was PAIN FREE. I have been seeing him for about 6 months and can honestly say that my life has changed dramatically. I am so aware of my posture now and would never have picked up on it, were it not for him.I am so grateful to have finally found a solution after being in pain for an entire year. I highly recommend Dr Ashburner for any problem you may have. HE is the answer.

Review №24

For as long as I can remember I’ve suffered with bad posture, lower back pain and very stiff shoulders that caused headaches. Over the years I’ve tried everything with little to no effect. I was only looking for relief until I accidentally discovered Guy Ashburner. This was a true live changer. I’ve only been seeing him for 2 months. Since the first time I saw him I haven’t experienced any backpain. The stiffness and pain from my shoulder have completely disappeared after the second time. I would be forever grateful to Dr. Guy Ashburner for giving. Thank you very much

Review №25


Review №26

I havent taken antibiotics for 4 years now that I see Dr Ashburner for sinus and other problems. It feels so good to fix issues without having to take medicine.

Review №27

It sure is one of the last olaces I would have imagined myself to visit butt if you think that the back aches are increasing in intensity and frequency it may be worth your while to make an appointment to determine what is busy happening to your body.As the bones in your body grows more brittle it requires a good treatnent and if in pain as ai have been for over 2 and a half years it is important to know what is the cause, how it can be treated and what the prognosis is going forward.Those old sport or activity injuries tend to come back to bite you in the proverbial ...I am virtually without pain today but if a bad day hits you it is still very unpleasant.Nice to know that it will only be for a short while and then one can get going afterwards again.

Review №28

Very effective in treating back and shoulder pain. Highly recommended.

Review №29

I THOUGHT I WILL NEVER WALK STRAIGHT UP AGAIN!In October 2016, I woke up with pain in my right gluteus muscle and a bit of pins and needles in my right foot. From March 2017 – May 2018 I visited chiropractors, physiotherapists, biokineticists, a lynotherapist, a pain and nerve release practioner and tried body stress release. These treatments gave me little relief and pain still persisted.From March 2018 my pain was excruciating. I lecture and had to move around in an office chair because walking was difficult. Visiting a mall, I had to use a trolley to support myself because I could not walk unaided for too long. I was extremely hunched over, my posture had skewed to the left and I was unable to straighten myself up. I refused to visit any surgeons because I did not want a back operation! I found Dr Ashburner, an osteopath whilst researching a treatment for psoas syndrome.My journey with Dr Guy Ashburner began in May 2018. In October 2018 my posture started to straighten and I felt relief from the pain and pins and needles. The treatment included principles of physiotherapy, massage therapy and chiropractic, exercise and changes in my postural habits. The positive aspect of this treatment is that the healing came about from treatment and exercise. Dr Ashburner encouraged me to attend gym while prescribing exercises that contributed to my healing. Change in habits included being very aware of my posture when I walked, stood, sat and exercised. The end result is that I am pain free and my posture is as straight as a pin when I walk, sit and stand. I had family, friends, colleagues and my GP comment on my good posture. For two years I was unable to use walking as a form of exercise. February 2019 I started training to walk 5 km. In June 2020 I walked 10 km which I currently walk over a weekend. May 2021 I am able to do 10 “male” push ups, something I was unable to do before. My road to recovery was aided by consistency in listening to Dr Ashburner’s advice, doing the prescribed exercises and maintaining a good posture.I am extremely grateful to him for my healing and that I now can live a good quality life without pain. My next goal is to walk 21 km!June 2021

Review №30

Physiotherapy table sheets and pillows look like they havent been washed in years. He used kitchen paper towels to cover up the worst of dirt.His advice wasnt bad but nothing I hadnt heard before. I expected a lot more - especially since my session cost R650

Review №31

Helped resolve longstanding tennis elbow problem within a very short time. Look no further if you are struggling with chronic problems. Excellent advice and treatment.

Review №32

Wonderful modality...a combination of Chiropractics and Physiotherapy...great results

Review №33

Excellent! Guy managed to get rid of nagging pain in my shoulder.

Review №34

My back pain issues were resolved after only two sessions. Dr Guy Ashburner works wonders.

Review №35

Super service

Review №36

Very professional

Review №37


7 Photos
4.8 Rating
  • Address:Annex 2, 45 Kendal Road, , Constantia, , Cape Town, 7800, South Africa
  • Site:
  • Phone:+27 21 715 9999
  • Chiropractor
  • Osteopath
  • Doctor
  • Massage therapist
  • Medical clinic
  • Physical therapy clinic
  • Rehabilitation center
  • Sports massage therapist
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:8:30AM–6PM
  • Wednesday:8:30AM–6PM
  • Thursday:8:30AM–6PM
  • Friday:8:30AM–6PM
  • Saturday:8:30AM–6PM
  • Sunday:Closed
Health and safety
  • Appointment required:Yes
  • Mask required:Yes
  • Temperature check required:Yes
  • Staff wear masks:Yes
  • Staff get temperature checks:Yes
  • Staff required to disinfect surfaces between visits:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible car park:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Gender-neutral toilets:Yes
  • Toilets:Yes
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